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Of Controlling The Puppets

2002-07-13 (last edition of the initial revision)

I love the smell of napalm in the morning…​ it smells like victory

— Apocalypse Now

Yep, here we go again, this time I think we’ll have a nice little tutorial on our hands, not that big. It only concerns the workings of the joystick. It could’ve involved the mouse as well, but to be honest I haven’t gotten the workings of the mouse down yet. The code will build heavily on the previous tutorial, since we are going to move a sprite around with the joystick, but you don’t need to understand the sprite parts of the code to understand the workings of the joystick. If you don’t know what a joystick is, or if you don’t recognise the little sprite ship used in the sample source, you are not allowed to read further. Please stop this instant and browse the web for more generally related Atari information.

A while back, I thought the ST was so much cooler than your average PC, because with the ST, you just have to plug in a joystick and it works. With a PC, you have to install drivers and shit, and configure the exact joystick and generally mess around lots and perhaps even then it won’t work or the program you want to run doesn’t support your joystick. All in all inferior construction, or so I thought. Actually, with the ST, you also need to set up your own joystick driver. In fact, since you usually don’t have a hard drive and the OS (operating system) doesn’t have drivers for the joystick, every program needs it’s own drivers for the joystick. Writing the joystick driver isn’t at all difficult, but you have to have some working knowledge to do it.

There is a little 6301 processor inside the Atari ST, which takes care of the keyboard, the mouse and the joystick. It even has a real time clock. This cute little chip is sometimes referred to as the IKBD, for Intelligent KeyBoarD. It might be fun to know that the IKBD has 4K (4096 bytes) of ROM memory, and 128 bytes of RAM. ROM stands for Read Only Memory, and as it says, it’s memory that can’t be altered, RAM is Random Access Memory and it is that which we usually mean by memory. The 128 bytes of RAM on the IKBD are only used as a temporal storage area. The reason for having a separate chip altogether taking care of the keyboard, mouse and joystick is that those actions won’t burden the main processor (the 68000, the one we’ve been programming so far in these tutorials). Instead, we can poll the IKBD as we choose, or tell it to report stuff in any way we choose, and just let the IKBD worry about the details.

Our mission therefore is clear: we must find a way to make the IKBD report the status of the joystick, and also find a way to read that status in some way. When that is accomplished, we can use the sprite routine from the previous tutorial as it is, with only a change in the move_sprite subroutine. The new subroutine will update the X and Y coordinates in accordance with the joystick status instead of just moving it about.

Trap function 25 of the XBIOS will allow us to send commands to the IKBD. However, unlike other trap calls, the input data is a pointer to a string of data. IKBD Protocol may seem very sketchy and difficult to understand, but it does contain a list of all the possible commands that you can send to the IKBD, taking a look inside it, we see function $14. IKBD command $14 will report joystick status every time the joystick is changed. All well and good, this is how we set it up.

                move.l  #joy_on, -(a7)           ; pointer to IKBD instructions
                move.w  #0, -(a7)                ; instruction length - 1
                move.w  #25, -(a7)               ; send instruction to IKBD
                trap    #14
                addq.l  #8, a7

joy_on          dc.b    $14

The first parameter is a pointer to the address which contains the commands, the second parameter is the length in bytes of the command list minus one, in this case zero. Then the function number, a trap calling XBIOS and a normal stack clean up. Sure, so now the joystick reports information, but where does the information go? Well, actually we need to write our own routine to read the joystick information.

Every time the joystick sends information, there is a jump to an address with instructions of what to do with this data, compare this with the timers from tutorial 9. Also, as with the timers, we will hook up our own routine to read the joystick. With trap function 34 of the XBIOS, the IKBD returns a list of all its vectors. The address of the IKBD vectors is put in d0. The joystick report vector is at offset 24, so by putting our own joystick routine at the address pointed to by d0+24, we have effectively hooked up our own joystick routine.

                move.w  #34, -(a7)
                trap    #14
                addq.l  #2, a7                   ; return IKBD vector table

                move.l d0, ikbd_vec              ; store IKBD vectors address
                move.l d0, a0                    ; a0 points to IKBD vectors
                move.l 24(a0), old_joy           ; backup old joystick vector
                move.l #read_joy, 24(a0)         ; input our joystick vector

                nop                              ; so far, we don't know what to do
                rts                              ; note, rts, not rte

dc.l            ikbd_vec                         ; old IKBD vector storage
dc.l            old_joy                          ; old joy vector storage

Straightforward, first get the address of the IKBD vectors. Store it for future restoration. Then put the address in a0 so that a0 points to the IKBD vectors, backup the old joystick vector which is found at offset 24, and input our own joystick routine. By the way, the mouse vector is at offset 16. With the help of this and the information given on the other IKBD commands on appendices/ikbd.txt[IKBD Protocol], you should be able to setup your own mouse routine as well.

The joystick routine ends with an rts, nothing else, and may not take more than 1/100 of a second (half a VBL, more than enough time really). What happens now is that each time the joystick status is changed, the ST will jump to our joystick routine. Once there, a0 will point to three bytes in memory which contain the status of the joysticks.

The first of these bytes is a header telling us which joystick it was that did something. The byte will contain $FE if joystick 0 did something, and $FF if it was joystick 1 (meaning the last bit represents either joystick 0 or joystick 1). Remember, joystick 0 is the joystick port shared with the mouse, and joystick 1 is the port exclusively for joysticks. The next two bytes contain the actual information for the joysticks. The first one holds status for joystick 0, and the other one for joystick 1. The data has this structure

F 0 0 0 R L D U









(F = fire, R = right, L = left, D = down, U = up)

So if bit 7 is set, the fire button was pressed, if bit 0 is set, the joystick is moved up, if bit 0, 2 and 7 are set, the joystick is moved up-right while the fire button is being pressed. Real simple. Here’s a joystick routine that will simply store the joystick data in memory, two different variables could have been used instead of course (but this is good practice on addressing modes).

; executes every time joystick information is changed
                move.b  1(a0), joy               ; store joy 0 data
                move.b  2(a0), joy+1             ; store joy 1 data

joy             ds.b 2                           ; storage for joystick data

That’s it! Well, almost. We must restore our poor system, for one thing, it would be good to turn the mouse back on :) When we turn on the joystick, the mouse is turned off. In order to turn it on, we send command $08 to the IKBD, to put the mouse in relative report mode, which would probably be the default mode for the mouse then. While we’re at it, might be good to restore the joystick vector as well. For the curious lot out there, "mus" is Swedish for mouse, and it’s a suitable short form for mouse as well.

                move.l  #mus_on, -(a7)           ; pointer to IKBD instruction
                move.w  #0, -(a7)                ; length of instruction - 1
                move.w  #25, -(a7)               ; send instruction to IKBD
                trap    #14
                addq.l  #8, a7

                move.l  ikbd_vec, a0             ; a0 points to old IKBD vectors
                move.l  old_joy, 24(a0)          ; restore joystick vector

mus_on          dc.b    $08
ikbd_vec        ds.l    1 IKBD vector storage
old_joy         ds.l    1 old joy vector storage

Two other commands of the IKBD that might be good to know about are $1A, which turns off the joystick, and $12 which turns off the mouse. Let’s say we want to be on the really safe side and not only turn on joystick reporting but also turn off mouse reporting, it would look thusly

                move.l  #joy_on, -(a7)           ; pointer to IKBD instructions
                move.w  #1, -(a7)                ; instruction length - 1
                move.w  #25, -(a7)               ; send instruction to IKBD
                trap    #14
                addq.l  #8, a7

joy_on          dc.b    $14, $12

Note how the extra parameters are just appended to the command list, and the update of the instruction length parameter to reflect the new command list length. Here comes the source of the program, hold on!

                jsr     initialise
; pre-shifting sprite
                move.l  #spr_dat, a0              ; original sprite data
                add.l   #34, a0                   ; skip palette
                move.l  #sprite, a1               ; storage of pre-shifted sprite
                move.l  #32-1, d0                 ; 32 scan lines per sprite
                move.l  (a0)+, (a1)+              ; move from original to pre-shifted
                move.l  (a0)+, (a1)+
                move.l  (a0)+, (a1)+
                move.l  (a0)+, (a1)+              ; 32 pixels moved
                add.l   #8, a1                    ; jump over end words
                add.l   #144, a0                  ; jump to next scan line
                dbf     d0, first_sprite
; the picture sprite has been copied to first position in pre-shift 

                move.l  #sprite, a0               ; point to beginning of storage area
                move.l  #sprite, a1               ; point to beginning of storage area
                add.l   #768, a1                  ; point to next sprite position
                move.l  #15-1, d1                 ; 15 sprite positions left
                move.l  #32-1, d2                 ; 32 scan lines per sprite
                move.l  #4-1, d3                  ; 4 bit planes
                move.w  (a0), d0                  ; move one word 
                roxr    #1, d0                    ; pre-shift
                move.w  d0, (a1)                  ; put it in place     
                move.w  8(a0), d0                 ; move one word
                roxr    #1, d0                    ; pre-shift
                move.w  d0, 8(a1)                 ; put it in place
                move.w  16(a0), d0                ; move one word
                roxr    #1, d0                    ; pre-shift
                move.w  d0, 16(a1)                ; put it in place

                add.l   #2, a0                    ; next bit plane, also clears X flag
                add.l   #2, a1                    ; next bit plane

                dbf     d3, plane   

                add.l   #16, a1                   ; next scan line
                add.l   #16, a0                   ; next scan line

                dbf     d2, line    

                dbf     d1, positions
; pre-shift of sprite done, all 16 sprite positions saved in sprite

; pre-shifting mask
                move.l  #spr_dat, a0
                add.l   #34+160*32, a0            ; skip palette and sprite
                move.l  #mask, a1                 ; load up mask part
                move.l  #32-1, d0                 ; 32 scan lines per sprite
                move.l  (a0)+, (a1)               ; move from original to pre-shifted
                not.l   (a1)+                     ; invert the mask data
                move.l  (a0)+, (a1)
                not.l   (a1)+                     ; invert the mask data
                move.l  (a0)+, (a1)
                not.l   (a1)+                     ; invert the mask data
                move.l  (a0)+, (a1)     
                not.l   (a1)+                     ; invert the mask data
                move.l  #$ffffffff, (a1)+         ; fill last two words...
                move.l  #$ffffffff, (a1)+         ; ... with all 1's
                add.l   #144, a0                  ; jump to next scan line
                dbf     d0, first_mask
; the picture mask has been copied to first position in pre-shift   

                move.l  #mask, a0                 ; point to beginning of storage area
                move.l  #mask, a1                 ; point to beginning of storage area
                add.l   #768, a1                  ; point to next mask position
                move.l  #15-1, d1                 ; 15 sprite positions left
                move.l  #32-1, d2                 ; 32 scan lines per sprite
                move.l  #4-1, d3                  ; 4 bit planes
                move.w  (a0), d0                  ; move one word 
                roxr    #1, d0                    ; pre-shift
                or.w    #%1000000000000000, d0    ; make sure most significant bit set
                move.w  d0, (a1)                  ; put it in place     
                move.w  8(a0), d0                 ; move one word
                roxr    #1, d0                    ; pre-shift
                move.w  d0, 8(a1)                 ; put it in place
                move.w  16(a0), d0                ; move one word
                roxr    #1, d0                    ; pre-shift
                move.w  d0, 16(a1)                ; put it in place

                add.l   #2, a1                    ; next bit plane
                add.l   #2, a0                    ; next plane, clears X flag (bad)

                dbf     d3, plane_mask

                add.l   #16, a1                   ; next scan line
                add.l   #16, a0                   ; next scan line

                dbf     d2, line_mask

                dbf     d1, positions_mask
; pre-shift of mask done, all 16 sprite positions saved in mask

                movem.l bg+2, d0-d7
                movem.l d0-d7, $ff8240
                move.l  #bg+34, a0                ; pixel part of background
                move.l  $44e, a1                  ; put screen memory in a1
                move.l  #7999, d0                 ; 8000 longwords to a screen
                move.l  (a0)+, (a1)+              ; move one longword to screen
                dbf     d0, pic_loop              ; background painted

                jsr     save_background           ; something in restore buffer

; joy code
                move.w  #34, -(a7)
                trap    #14
                addq.l  #2, a7                    ; return IKBD vector table

                move.l  d0, ikbd_vec              ; store IKBD vectors address
                move.l  d0, a0                    ; a0 points to IKBD vectors
                move.l  24(a0), old_joy           ; backup old joystick vector      
                move.l  #read_joy, 24(a0)         ; input my joystick vector

                move.l  #joy_on, -(a7)            ; pointer to IKBD instructions
                move.w  #0, -(a7)                 ; instruction length - 1
                move.w  #25, -(a7)                ; send instruction to IKBD
                trap    #14
                addq.l  #8, a7
; end joystick init
                move.l  $70, old_70               ; backup $70
                move.l  #main, $70                ; put in main routine
                move.w  #7, -(a7)
                trap    #1
                addq.l  #2, a7                    ; wait keypress

                move.l  old_70, $70               ; restore old $70
; joy code
                move.l  #mus_on, -(a7)            ; pointer to IKBD instruction
                move.w  #0, -(a7)                 ; length of instruction - 1
                move.w  #25, -(a7)                ; send instruction to IKBD
                trap    #14
                addq.l  #8, a7

                move.l  ikbd_vec, a0              ; a0 points to old IKBD vectors
                move.l  old_joy, 24(a0)           ; restore joystick vector
; end shut down    
                jsr     restore
                clr.l   -(a7)
                trap    #1                        ; exit

                movem.l d0-d7/a0-a6, -(a7)        ; backup registers
                jsr     restore_background
                jsr     move_sprite
                jsr     save_background
                jsr     apply_mask
                jsr     put_sprite

                movem.l (a7)+, d0-d7/a0-a6        ; restore registers


; updates x and y coordinates according to joystick 1
; if fire button pressed, add 1 to colour 0
                move.b  joy+1, d0                 ; check joystick 1

                cmp     #128, d0                  ; fire
                blt     no_fire
                add.w   #$001, $ff8240
                and.b   #%01111111, d0            ; clear fire bit      

                cmp.b   #1, d0                    ; up
                beq     up
                cmp.b   #2, d0                    ; down
                beq     down
                cmp.b   #4, d0                    ; left
                beq     left        
                cmp.b   #8, d0                    ; right
                beq     right
                cmp.b   #9, d0                    ; up-right
                beq     up_right
                cmp.b   #10, d0                   ; down-right
                beq     down_right
                cmp.b   #6, d0                    ; down-left
                beq     down_left
                cmp.b   #5, d0                    ; up-left
                beq     up_left
                bra     done
                sub.w   #1, y_coord
                bra     done
                add.w   #1, y_coord
                bra     done
                sub.w   #1, x_coord
                bra     done
                add.w   #1, x_coord
                bra     done
                sub.w   #1, y_coord
                add.w   #1, x_coord
                bra     done
                add.w   #1, y_coord
                add.w   #1, x_coord
                bra     done
                add.w   #1, y_coord
                sub.w   #1, x_coord
                bra     done
                sub.w   #1, y_coord
                sub.w   #1, x_coord
                bra     done

; avoid going outside screen
                cmp     #319-32, x_coord
                blt     x_right_ok
                move.w  #319-32, x_coord

                cmp     #0, x_coord 
                bgt     x_left_ok
                move.w  #0, x_coord

                cmp     #199-32, y_coord
                blt     y_low_ok
                move.w  #199-32, y_coord

                cmp     #0, y_coord
                bgt     y_high_ok
                move.w  #0, y_coord

; executes every time joystick information is changed
                move.b  1(a0), joy                ; store joy 0 data
                move.b  2(a0), joy+1              ; store joy 1 data

; applies the mask to the background
                jsr     get_coordinates
                move.l  #mask, a0
                mulu    #768, d0                  ; multiply position with size
                add.l   d0, a0                    ; add value to mask pointer
                move.l  #32-1, d7                 ; mask is 32 scan lines
                rept    6                         ; mask is 6*4 bytes width
                move.l  (a0)+, d0                 ; mask data in d0
                move.l  (a1), d1                  ; background data in d1
                and.l   d0, d1                    ; and mask and picture data
                move.l  d1, (a1)+                 ; move masked picture data to background
                add.l   #136, a1                  ; next scan line
                dbf     d7, maskloop

; paints the sprite to the screen
                jsr     get_coordinates
                move.l  #sprite, a0
                mulu    #768, d0                  ; multiply position with size
                add.l   d0, a0                    ; add value to sprite pointer
                move.l  #32-1, d7                 ; sprite is 32 scan lines
                rept    6                         ; sprite is 6*4 bytes width
                move.l  (a0)+, d0                 ; sprite data in d0
                move.l  (a1), d1                  ; background data in d1
                or.l    d0, d1                    ; or sprite and background data
                move.l  d1, (a1)+                 ; move ored sprite data to background
                add.l   #136, a1
                dbf     d7, bgloop  

; saves the background into bgsave
                jsr     get_coordinates
                move.l  #bgsave, a0

                move.l  #32-1, d7                 ; sprite is 32 scan lines
                rept    6                         ; sprite is 6*4 bytes width
                move.l  (a1)+, (a0)+              ; copy background to save buffer
                add.l   #136, a1                  ; next scan line
                dbf     d7, bgsaveloop

; restores the background using data from bgsave
                jsr     get_coordinates
                move.l  #bgsave, a0

                move.l  #32-1, d7                 ; sprite is 32 scan lines
                rept    6                         ; sprite is 6*4 bytes width
                move.l  (a0)+, (a1)+              ; copy save buffer to background
                add.l   #136, a1                  ; next scan line
                dbf     d7, bgrestoreloop

; makes a1 point to correct place on screen
; sprite position in d0.b
                move.l  $44e, a1                  ; screen memory in a1
                move.w  y_coord, d0               ; put y coordinate in d0
                mulu    #160, d0                  ; 160 bytes to a scan line
                add.l   d0, a1                    ; add to screen pointer
                move.w  x_coord, d0               ; put x coordinate in d0
                divu.w  #16, d0                   ; number of clusters in low, bit in high
                clr.l   d1                        ; clear d1
                move.w  d0, d1                    ; move cluster part to d1
                mulu.w  #8, d1                    ; 8 bytes to a cluster
                add.l   d1, a1                    ; add cluster part to screen memory
                clr.w   d0                        ; clear out the cluster value
                swap    d0                        ; bit to alter in low part of d0


                include initlib.s

                section data
x_coord         dc.w    150
y_coord         dc.w    80

spr_dat         incbin  ship.pi1
bg              incbin  xenon.pi1
old_70          dc.l    0

joy_on          dc.b    $14
mus_on          dc.b    $08
ikbd_vec        dc.l    0
old_joy         dc.l    0

                section bss
sprite          ds.l    3072                      ; 32/2+8*32 bytes * 16 positions / 4 for long
mask            ds.l    3072                      ; same as above
bgsave          ds.l    192                       ; 2/2+8*32 bytes / 4 for long
joy             ds.b    2
tutorial 12 screenshot
Figure 20. Xenon 2

Yup, another long source code. There are big similarities between the sprite tutorial though, since we’re basically doing the same thing. The new things are of course the joystick on and off, which are located between the "; joy code" comments, after the pre-shiftings. Nothing to say there that hasn’t been said before. Same with the joystick routine. The move_sprite routine is all new and deserves attention.

It begins by moving the joystick data to d0. In this case, I only check joystick 1. First I begin by checking for the fire button, this is done by seeing if d0 contains a number larger than or equal to 128. If the fire button is pressed, the 8th bit (bit 7, start counting from 0 and from the rightmost bit) in the joystick status byte is set which means that the byte will hold a value equal to or higher than 128, since %10000000 = 128. Then I clear out the fire bit so that it won’t bother me anymore.

Next I check for joystick movement. This is done by using the same method as above. For example, if the joystick is down-left, then bit 1 and 2 are set, meaning the byte will hold value %00000110 = 6. This is the reason for clearing out the fire bit above. If it hadn’t been cleared, the number would be either 6 or 128 + 6 = 134 for down-right. So just run through all 8 directional checks to see if any bits are set, if they are not, I just branch right away to done. If this branch hadn’t been there, the program would just continue and execute the code associated with joystick up if the joystick wasn’t moved at all. An early bug that caused me some confusion.

After the coordinates have been changed accordingly, I also check to see that the sprite isn’t out of bounds, since this could cause a crash and be generally stupid in all kinds of ways. So just check if the coordinates are right, and if they’re not, reset them to the closest correct value. If you want a speedier ship, just increase the speed accordingly, adding more than one to the coordinates, and also remember to include this in the boundary check, just as the sprite.

Some of you will probably notice that the ship itself is not 32 scan lines, although I treat the sprite as such. This has the effect of the ship never reaching all the way down the screen, since there is some black space worth of sprite data. This could be easily fixed of course, but I didn’t. Also, two ships moving might be nice, at first I considered having both the Xenon 2 ship and the Xenon 1 ship side by side, controlled by two joysticks, but I decided to keep it simple. However, there should be no big trouble incorporating that, and changing the fire button perhaps to morph the Xenon 1 ship.

Having two sprites is no harder than having one sprite, the only thing you have to think about is the order of painting the sprites, the ones painted first will be painted over by the ones that come next. Yet another cool thing is to change the look of the sprite as you move it, like in the real Xenon game, they have the ship tilted sideways and generate rocket fire when it moves, all you need is a flag to know which state the ship is in and change the sprite address accordingly.

This means having a sprite picture with not just one ship, but the ship tilted in directions and with rocket flames, all in all lots of pictures. All of these sprites will of course fit in one degas picture, so all you need is the correct offset into this picture depending on what "mode" the sprite is in. Compare this to the way we address the sprite mask, only in this case it’s a different sprite (or different look of the sprite, depending on how you see it).

Now you have the tools needed to create a game, or even a demo for that matter: now go to it! Even though there is still much to learn, the basics have been covered, all but one thing: music and sound. It is my hope that this will come soon. But you don’t have to worry about that for now, code away and the music will be easily incorporated at a later stage.

Usually, you just hook up the music in your VBL routine. On the Dead Hackers Society page,, there are two chip editors (at least) with instructions on how to play the generated music in assembler: Edsynth and the XLR8. Go take a look at them if you’re curious, there should be no trouble understanding the code.